Health Check

Imagine taking your car in for a service and in addition to the normal oil change they did a comprehensive check of your cars engine, exhaust system, fuel efficiency, auto electrics and went through practical and specific ways you could look after and drive your car more effectively so it will last longer, perform better, and prevent the components from breaking down and ultimately, cost you less money. Also imagine that instead of doing this every 10,000kms (which for some might be 4-5 times a year) you only had to do it once a year and when it came time to pay the mechanic, your car insurance policy covered part of the cost of the service making it even better value for you. I can already hear you saying, “Where do I sign?”

While this may not exist for cars, iFitness Exercise physiology is now offering this type of service for your body and it will only cost you less than half what a standard car service will. Plus, if you have extras cover you may be able to claim a rebate back from your fund. Isn’t your health worth more than your car?

Our comprehensive health check includes cardiovascular fitness test, diabetes risk, blood pressure, ECG readings of your heart, lung function and diet and lifestyle factors that can increase your risk of other chronic disease. These results can also be sent to your GP.

These assessments make fantastic birthday gifts for yourself or the people you care about, whether you or your loved ones are into fitness or not, it provides invaluable insights into your health and has the potential to save your life. Many chronic diseases like diabetes and certain heart arrhythmias can go undiagnosed for years and often have little or no noticeable symptoms.