Chronic Pain

You may be surprised to know that chronic pain is the most burdensome health condition in the world in terms of cost with at least 1 in 5 Australians experiencing chronic pain in their life! People suffering from chronic pain are often left feeling frightened, debilitated, anxious and confused as to why they feel the pain they feel. Chronic pain is also frustrating (both for patients and health professionals) as there is often no physical reason or symptoms to explain the pain which can lead to people being told that it’s all in their head (suggesting that the pain is not real) or that they are exaggerating their symptoms. The truth is that anyone suggesting that your pain does not exist purely on the basis that there is no physical damage or problem to cause the pain, simply doesn’t understand what pain is.

Research has shown over the last few years that understanding your pain, the reasons for it, and how to structure your activity to increase your ability to function and lessen your pain is the most effective way to treat pain.

So what can you expect from iFitness when you come about your pain?

  • You can expect that your pain will be taken seriously
  • A large component of initial sessions will involve education about pain.
  • We will endeavor to answer all of your questions regarding your pain and follow up any questions that cannot be answered on the spot
  • You wont be expected to do anything that you do not want to do however you may be asked to do things that are uncomfortable for the purposes of assessment. Participation in this is however voluntary
  • Treatments will be individually tailored to suit you and your situation and based on the latest scientific research

Our overall aim is to give you the knowledge and tools to be your own therapist and make informed decisions about your health and to feel like you are in control.